We are Leroy and Mina, a travel addicted, architecture admiring, action finding, food loving Dutch-Japanese traveling couple based in Tokyo, Japan. For over 4 years now we are striving to (re)discover Japan and sharing our findings with our family and friends. Some of them literarily living around the corner of our new discoveries, not knowing of their existence. Actually, a much-heard comment; "we would have never visited or found it if you did not tell us," usually followed by a "thank you" and the question "where to go next?". This let us believe we are not the only one with these interests outside the regular touristic highlights and the idea about online sharing slowly started to grow upon us. Fast forward about two years to 2018 and an opportunity in terms of time came by. We quickly seized the moment and started crystalizing our ideas and findings onto SeatoEat.com.
"Everything you see and read on SeetoEat.com is written and photographed by ourselves and based on personal experiences".
Over the years we traveled throughout japan at least every weekend. A more than six hours drive would not hold us back going to a particular building that has just been finished or for that specific dish/restaurant somewhere in a remote area of Japan. These restaurants and architectural marvels would not be the only destination we'd visit, but they would form, more often than not, the only incentive to go! And we would plan a trip around them.
It is not our goal to address everything Japan has to offer based on hearabouts or already well-documented destinations. We want to inspire you with our personal recommendations and incentives and join us on the way.

Traveling is something I discovered around my early 20's, and my desire for it increases after each trip. I can say it is quite addictive, the thrill of exploring the new and unknown. The first four to eight years of my travels were mostly planned around architecture. I know, guess it is part of my profession, but when you think about it even the most notable highlights of a city or country are about architecture; Paris -the Eiffel tower-, Sydney -the opera house-, New York -one world trade center- to name a few.
It was Mina that (finally) opened my taste receptors for the local cuisine that every country and city has to offer and it is now even competing for the number one spot on my travel to-do lists. In the end, it is the combination of architecture and food that tells a lot about a country's culture and society.

My interested in traveling and meeting people from other cultures goes back as long as I can remember. That’s why I pursued a career as a flight attendant as soon as I graduated university. I flew all around the world enjoying the diverse food, culture, and people. Missing one thing, a steady base and free time to actually enjoy the countries I visited.
After finding a base back in Tokyo I met Leroy, and we started (re)discovering Japan while at the same time introducing him to the delicious cuisine of japan, even if that meant queueing for it! We enjoy spending our free time traveling around japan and now want to share our findings with you.
THAT'S IT! Go ahead, go off the beaten path and discover Japan as a local. Find out about unique architecture and delicious restaurants worth queuing for. All in one place, including some useful nearby tips.
"We love to hear your feedback and recommendations through our contact form".